What To Do When

Have you seen someone who needs help?

If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough, send an alert to StreetLink

Signposting Services

Here’s what to do in certain situations…

If you see someone rough sleeping, or you feel is at risk, over the age of 18:

In the first instance contact StreetLink via their website or call 0300 500 0914. Unless you feel it is an emergency, in which case call 999.

If you see someone who is rough sleeping, or you feel at risk of rough sleeping, under the age of 18:

Call either 999 or 101.

If someone is fleeing domestic abuse and in need of help:

Contact Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid: 0808 800 0028 or Birmingham City Council: 0121 303 2296 (out of hours).

If someone over the age of 18 is in accommodation but has problems or concerns:

If provided by a commissioned service then contact Birmingham City Council’s Housing Team: 0121 675 5779. If in exempt or private rented sector accommodation email: prs@birmingham.gov.uk.

If someone under 18 has accommodation concerns:

Contact St Basil’s Youth Hub on 0300 303 0099 or text NEEDSTBASILS to 62277.

If someone needs medical attention that isn’t an emergency:

Direct them to the Homeless Health Exchange. Appointments can be made by contacting 0121 465 3965.

If someone is looking for advice on benefits, status and visas, specialist housing, and general health and wellbeing:

Direct them to the Adult Support Hub (ASH) team at SIFA Fireside.

If you have a modern slavery concerns:

Call 08000 121 700, email exploitation_hub@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk or, if an emergency, calling 999 or 101.

If someone is looking for food:

Information can be found on the Food Justice Network map and on the Street Support website.

If someone is looking for support but has no recourse to public funds (NRPF):

Contact the Asylum Support and Immigration Resource Team or The Refugee and Migrant Centre.
